Thursday, November 21, 2013

there is still time.

humans. what an incredible word.

we're considered the most intelligent species on the planet, however we are the worst. what are we doing on this earth? who brought us here? what is our  mission on this planet? we may never understand it, but it seems our only mission is to continue with its destruction.

have you ever considered that our planet does not belong to us? either way its care is in our hands. they were here way before us and we are nothing but their guests. we keep invading their territory and we are destroying their home. they've been tolerent, we've been forgiven countless times.. but we keep ignoring their situation. we've been their kidnappers, their killers, however, they accept us as their owners.

we are the only species that attacks, destroys, annihilates, contaminates and extinguishes just for a mission, or to live better. the world is yours, it's ours. it's for all of us, however, remember its their world too. we have to understand that they can't do anything to save their lives, much less their planet. planet earth is dying. we are destroying it in a savage way. but its hungry for love. its getting weak. but despite it all, it keeps giving, generously, the best experience since we've arrived on it. the planet has been the best host of our species, doesn't it need recognition?

 if we were given the capacity to think, create, build and help, why do we remain silent? ignoring, destroying and killing? open your eyes, you are dying, too, along with your planet. the only planet in the solar system we were given the ability to live. we are billions on this planet, we are a thinking race. rational, dominant. why haven't we noticed it? we are capable of conquering countries, the moon, even planets. however, we are not capable of conquering our own hearts. touch your heart, feel what its trying to say. listen to what its yearning for and lets understand that we have to coexist on the same planet.

start with yourself. engage yourself. make sure your children know it and understand it, remind others that have forgotten. the planet is not the same anymore and we cannot wait any longer. everybody knows what we have to do. the time is now, the future of the planet is still in your hands.

help it. lets help it. because planet earth is you.
raise your awareness and conservation of the planet.

do not let your INDIFFERENCE take over.

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